
Limits and Cheer

I am very sad at this exact moment.  I have just discovered that a blog can hove only 50,000 followers.  So, I can't follow my favorite blog, which is actually the biggest reason I wanted to make a blog in the first place.  I had the crazy idea that I'd be some kind of genius that everybody loves.  I mean, yeah, I'm a total genius that everyone loves, but not everyone agrees with me on that.

In other words, I have decided that I am going to have an amazing week.  I don't plan to have a series of happy event and nothing negative, I just want to enjoy life.  I'm not going to let the little things bother me.  If I don't like where I am at work, I won't allow that to ruin my day.  At least I have a job and I generally enjoy it.  If one customer is a bit rude, I won't let their attitude alter my happiness much.  If I trip over something and... never mind, that always happens.  But you get the point, right?  Why let the little things get in the way like that?  It can't be very healthy.

I hope that my cheerful presence will help those around me feel better, too.  Kind of like when one person is stressed and the whole room seems to be filled with stress, because it ends up being contagious.  Cheerfulness should be pretty contagious too!

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