
Watching Games

I enjoy video games.  They are fun.  But I am very bad at most of them.  But recently I've found this amazing person called Helloween4545 on YouTube, and watching video games has become fun!  He's a very funny person, and you should all watch his Penumbra game videos.  I don't know how many of you there are, but I would love to bring happiness to everyone's lives, even if it's just a few people.  But WARNING!  If you are sharing a room with someone and that person just went to bed, it's a bad idea to continue watching him.  He is too funny and you will laugh.


My Execrable Friday (10.7.2011)

Was a sad, sad day... :(

On Thursday night a nice little headache began to form, which I decided to ignore.  After a while, I thought about taking some aspirin, but I couldn't find it.  Now, my headache wasn't too terrible.  I figured I'd go to sleep and it'd be gone by the time I woke up.  That headache got a lot worse in the time it took me to fall asleep, but still, 

At 7:00 AM on Friday morning, I woke up to my alarm and a headache so terrible I wanted to cry.

I've gotten bad headaches all my life, and the worst are migranes.  I'd always get sick when I had them and then the headache would get worse, then I would fall asleep early and wake up at some insane time like 4am.

But on Friday morning, my headache felt like the worst headache ever.  I don't recall ever waking up with a migrane, so that probably made it seem worse.  After my second alarm went off, I realized I probably wasn't going to my first class.

I slept straight through the class I swore I'd never miss again.  I woke up when I heard my roommate getting ready for her classes at about 9:30.  I then sat up and got really sad because my headache was still just as bad as it was at 7.  After she left, I forced myself to get up and ready for the day.  Since this took a good half hour, I realized I wasn;t going to my second class either.  That is a swimming class, which I thought would be a bad idea to go to if I felt my head would either implode or explode, plus the sick feeling I had.  I figured that I probably had a bad migraine.

I finally got myself to leave my room and go eat food.  I hadn't eaten anything since around lunch time on Thursday, and I figured that maybe part of my headache had to do with that.  I'm not sure if I was right, but my headache did lessen as I sat there eating food that is strangely good.  I even had orange juice, which I apparently can't decide whether or not I like.

After that, I headed on down to the Health and Wellness Center on campus, all the while being very aware of how much class I was missing.  There I met with the nurse who helped me figure out what would be the best way to deal with my hurting head.  She gave me Acetaminophen and told me to rest and come back at 2:30.  She told me this at 11, when I had already missed two classes.  I had another class at 12:20, and she told me I should not go and that I should rest during that time to help my headache go away.  I agreed with her, but I really didn't want to miss class.  I walked back to my room with my medicine and a note, just in case any of my professors wanted proof that I had a legitimate reason for missing their class.

I listened to the nurse and tried to relax, but all I could think about was how I was going to miss class and have a gap in my notes.  I even convinced myself that my headache was bearable and that I could totally go to class. Luckily I was able to also convince myself that I really hate headaches and that resting would help it go away.  I let my brain battle that out until 12:20 finally passed.  That one part of my mind still said something like "But... but... notes... class..." but we all knew I wasn't getting up.

I actually slept for a whole almost hour.  I thought my headache was gone, but after looking at my phone it came back.  This meant that it was better, but still existent.  At 2:30 I went to H&W and got Mygrex.  This did help.

Sadly, nothing was really able to keep my headache away.  The sick feeling stayed too, and got so bad I had to leave work early.  

I was able to play Capture the Flag though.  My headache was kind enough to stay away for most of the game.

Over the weekend, the headache never really went away completely.  Nor did the sick feeling (aka nausea).  I was able to get through an entire 4 1/2 hour shift on Sunday, which I was glad about.  On Sunday night (or 2am Monday) as I lay in bed, a headache started to creep up on me and I was terrified that I'd get another terrible headache.  Lucky for me, I have had a headache-free Monday so far.  And if a headache tries to get me, I'm armed with Acetaminophen and other headache preventers!


      I spelled Acetaminophen right!!!  Twice!!!!!  In a row!!!  (The first time I had to have it spell-checked)

I'm a Not Procrastinator Today!

Just now, or rather a few minutes ago, I finished my Accounting homework.
Now, this isn't usually a great feat, since I usually have Accounting homework to complete every two days.  But today, I had defeated the evils of procrastination!
I opened my laptop, opened the website we use for homework, and did it.  The best part is that it's not due till Wednesday morning!  And it was just assigned this morning!

Now that I feel so accomplished, I am going to write about last Friday, and then study Microeconomics... eventually...


Crazy Stuff

It;s so sad to realize that the only thing you can plan for the weekend is homework and schoolwork.  There's so much more of nothing that I want to do more.  I want to sit in my room watching videos and browsing the web, not accounting, microeconomics, public speaking, history, and  astronomy.


My Cheerful Week?

Nah, I failed to have a cheerful week on Friday of last week.  I did get pretty far though.  I got all the way through Thursday.  On Friday I had some strange anxiety issue.  I saw that it was super busy, I didn't feel that I was collecting money fast enough, I was already a bit unhappy about having to collect in the first place, and every time I tried to regain my composure another car would drive up.

Have you ever felt completely nervous and upset and frustrated at the same time?  To the point where you felt seriously sick?  That's how I felt on Friday.  I considered asking to leave early.  But after it slowed down and I took my break, I felt a whole lot better.  Even during the time that I was unhappy it seemed as though it caused people to notice something was wrong.  I guess that my speed must have been strange or something, because twice I was asked if I was alright.  Of course I said I was fine.

But on to more happy events!  I am finished working for the summer!  Now I can have that four-day vacation I've always dreamed of!  Then I get to go back to school and work and learn a whole bunch!

I am also looking forward to this weekend.  I am going over to my mother's home, which I normally don't like.  But this weekend I am giving my younger siblings gifts!  I absolutely love gift-giving.  It's so awesome to see people I care about open the gifts I give them.  It's better than getting gifts myself!  It's my favorite part of the holidays.  That doesn't mean I love the holidays.  Christmas is over commercialized and I feel compelled to get gifts for everyone, which eats up my meager college student savings like a paper shredder destroys that important document you didn't mean to put in there.  Nom nom nom!  No more money for you!  Buy these gifts!  They cost more because you have no choice!  Nom nom nom!

Crap!  That was important! 
Where all the extra money goes.

Oh, and never, ever, ever, search for "paper shredder accident."  It's just... don't click that link if you ever want to feel happy for the next ten minutes or so.  You will never forget...


Limits and Cheer

I am very sad at this exact moment.  I have just discovered that a blog can hove only 50,000 followers.  So, I can't follow my favorite blog, which is actually the biggest reason I wanted to make a blog in the first place.  I had the crazy idea that I'd be some kind of genius that everybody loves.  I mean, yeah, I'm a total genius that everyone loves, but not everyone agrees with me on that.

In other words, I have decided that I am going to have an amazing week.  I don't plan to have a series of happy event and nothing negative, I just want to enjoy life.  I'm not going to let the little things bother me.  If I don't like where I am at work, I won't allow that to ruin my day.  At least I have a job and I generally enjoy it.  If one customer is a bit rude, I won't let their attitude alter my happiness much.  If I trip over something and... never mind, that always happens.  But you get the point, right?  Why let the little things get in the way like that?  It can't be very healthy.

I hope that my cheerful presence will help those around me feel better, too.  Kind of like when one person is stressed and the whole room seems to be filled with stress, because it ends up being contagious.  Cheerfulness should be pretty contagious too!



Three consecutive days of writing to myself.  It's fun really.

I'm loving work.  It's finally starting to get un-boring!

The biggest issue is when it's busy and there are multiple stressed/annoyed people.  It's like the air is filled with unhappiness.  It really does effect me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Going on Day... I've lost track.

My poor computer...
It's screen, it is dying.

I am not sure how long I can survive with limited computer access.

My entire being basically revolves around computers, especially my own.

If it weren't for work, I don't know if I'd make it.

Oh, and it's been like, 3-4 days, maybe.
That's like FOREVER!



I'v just discovered that, since I started this blog, there have been 3 pageviews in Germany!

That's pretty big news.


I'm Going to Write a Book

A few nights ago I decided to start a story.  The idea just popped into my head one night, when I wasn't even planning to write.  It's going to be called "Inside My Mind." So far I've decided it's about a girl who has abilities that other people don't have.  I've decided that one of them is that she can sort of absorb the emotins from those around her, especially strong ones like love, hate, sadness, and anger.  I've been building this character and other, more minor, characters for a long time now.  So I'm pretty excited for it.  I'm going to post about it in another blog.  I'll post the link as soon as I get it.

Alright, here is the link:

I had to put "12" at the end because someone else already had the name.  I hate when that happens...


Evil Cat

Is your cat plotting to kill you?

Turns out I'm probably going to die.

My cat's going to kill me.

I mean, yeah, I tell him not to jump on the table and clip his nails, but I never thought that he'd plot to kill me for it.

Maybe he's just been planning it from the start, ever since he was brought home.  Maybe that's what they learned at the Kitty Cottage.

That's what's going to happen in 2012.  Cats will kill their owners and take over the world!

He'll take over the world in a few months, maybe a year.

Of course, I should have known back when this was my result:
The "a" should be "an," but since it's a quiz I guess it's okay.

There is a 7% chance that I'll survive the kitty invasion.

No More School for a While!

I was reading my last post, and I said that I would not wear my winter coat all winter.  Well, I win.  I only wore the coat once because I went out to play in the snow.  I figured that was the only reason I'd wear it.

Also, I am finally done school, until August.  It's pretty amazing.

I passed all of my classes with a C+ or higher.

In the fall, I failed on of my classes.  I think it might have had to do with my roommate.  I only studied when she studied, because I couldn't concentrate with her complete disregard of my need to study.  As soon as I switched rooms, my grades went up.  I went from B-, C, D, and F to A, A-, B+,B, B-, and C+.  I mean, I know a lot of it was my fault, but she didn't really help much.  I couldn't even get a good night's sleep with her staying up with the lights on, TV on, music on, and friends coming over until 3 AM when I had work at 6:30.  God, I'm glad I never have to see her again.

This wasn't what I planned to write.  I wanted to write about work or something.  Oh well, I guess I'll do that later.