
Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes!

So, a downside to having a little sister in daycare is that she brings home sicknesses.  That's okay, usually.  I don't really get sick, so I'm safe... right?


I got sick on Friday.  I got a fever and a headache, I was not hungry all day, and I just didn't feel well.

On Saturday, I thought I was getting better.  My fever was mostly gone, my head was okay, I ate all right, and I felt better.  But then, my throat really hurt.  Honestly, that wasn't bad.  I had it Friday, too, but it wasn't bad at all.  However, I laid in bed for three hours unable to sleep because of it, that's how bad it was.  Then my dreams revolved around the pain.

Dreams mean that I fell asleep.  And then I woke up to spots on my hands.  They itched like crazy!  I couldn't just ignore the itch, because it wouldn't go away.  And my throat still hurt.

And now for today.  I woke up to crazy itchy hands.  The spots on my hands had multiplied.  Oh, but that's not all.  I looked at my feet, and I have those spots there, too.  Now, by the end of the day, my hands both hurt and itch, my feet both hurt and itch, I have one red spot on my lip that hurts, and I have had to drink way more water than normal.

Want to know what I have?
If you guessed Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease, you guessed right.  Large outbreaks are not common in the U.S., but it spreads pretty easily through daycare's because children put their hands in their mouths.  It is more common in some Asian countries, and I could give you more random facts.  Here's one: There are no treatments for it right now.

I dislike being sick.

But on the bright side, I forgot my biology notebook today!

Wait... no...

The spots on my hand haven't reached the part of my fingers I use to write with!

Not bright enough...


Too bright...

I finished a big chapter of a story and finished my homework that's dur tomorrow!

...Perfect... ?

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